AI Leader
A visionary at the intersection of AI thought leadership and actionable innovation.
As the founder and CEO of the AIDEN Think Tank, Tannya is redefining the boundaries of artificial intelligence, translating deep insights into groundbreaking initiatives across various industries.
Author of the upcoming book "Thinking Machines: AI and the Intelligence Explosion," she illuminates the transformative and philosophical implications of AI, urging society to harness its potential to build higher-order, creative jobs and industries.
Tannya has several years of hands-on expertise in the software industry. She has delivered hundreds of inspiring keynotes as well as impactful educational programs on AI for stakeholders globally. With AIDEN, her commitment goes beyond mere prediction — they're sculpting the AI-driven future.

The conversation around the rise of automation, A.I., and exponential technologies, in general, is one of the most important ones we can have. Today, it is no longer enough for only computer programmers and scientists to contemplate the impact of artificial intelligence on society. Written by futurist and technology evangelist, Tannya Jajal, “Thinking Machines: A.I. and the Intelligence Explosion” is a series of insightful and inspiring essays written for any audience. It sets the stage for defining artificial intelligence and explores how A.I. is relevant to everyone. The book is aimed at those who have a stake in shaping the future of humanity.
“Like it or not, AI is infiltrating into every part of our lives, augmenting and extending humans as the next great step in technology - this is going to happen fast, and everyone needs to be prepared. This book is a great place to get into what’s happening now and what’s happening next.”
- JOE BAGULEY (Chief Technology Officer, VMWare)
Coming Soon!

Automation and the Rise of Meaningful Work
Distinguishing between Narrow AI, General AI, and Super AI
The Importance of Existential Intelligence in Organizations
GPT-3: Intelligent AI or Vacant Programming?
What is Real?
Trusting Autonomous Vehicles: The Tech Behind The Hype
Why We Need to Teach Entrepreneurs Blue Ocean Strategy
Conferences & Keynotes